Institute Name: Business Consultants Council
Date of Foundation: 24.05.2006
Date of ICMCI Membership: 2015
Type of Membership: Full Member
Vision: The BCC is the leading association of business service providers in Kosova and be recognized by its international counterparts for its professionalism, standards of excellence, and customer care.
Mission: BCC mission is to promote a business environment that stimulates the development of consulting services in Kosovo in compliance to highest international standards and the value that consultants offer to their clients.
Main Goals:
- Build local consultancy capacities;
- Promote recognized standards of business ethics among industry firms and the broader Kosovar business community;
- Advocate for a transparent business environment;
- Improve members abilities to respond to clients;
- Support the development of legal framework to support competition in business services market;
- Introduce and ensure implementation of management consultancy standards;
- All members adhere to a Professional Code of Conduct;
- Extend Code of Conduct and Business Ethics to all the consultancy businesses which will be registered as members of BCC and to other partners cooperating with BCC;
- Encourage the enforcement of all laws that promote transparency in procurement of services;
- Educate the market on value of BSP services;
- Achieve synergies through streamlining efforts with other associations.
Email: info@bcc-ks.org
Tel: +381 (0) 38 712 369
Website: bcc-ks.org
Visiting Address: Ulpiana, Isa Boletini Boulevard, Building 4, nr.6, 10000 Prishtina, Kosovo
Head Staff Person: Jehona Lluka, CMC , Executive Director
Pylljon Nura and Alketa Blakaj, Project Coordinators
Secretariat or Key Staff Name: Teuta Beselica, Executive Director
Secretary: Violeta Haxhillazi, CMC
Chair: Bardha Ajvazi, CMC
Delegate: Leke Zogaj, CMC