No. Country Accredited IMC
1. Institute of Management Consulting of Armenia
2. Institute of Managment Consultants - Australia
3. Austrian Professional Institute of Management Consultancy, Accounting and Information Technology, UBIT
4. Institute of Management Consultants Bangladesh
5. IBCO - Instituto Brasileiro dos Consultores de Organizacao
6. Bulgarian Association of Management Consulting Organizations (BAMCO)
7. CMC-Global Institute (CMC-GI)
8. CMC-Canada
9. Caribbean Institute of Certified Management Consultants
10. Management Consulting Committee of China Enterprise Confederation
11. Croatian Association of Management Consultants (CAMC)
12. Business Management Consultants Association (BMCA)
13. The Finnish Management Consultants Association - Liikkeenjohdon Konsultit LJK ry
14. Institute of Management Consultants Hong Kong Limited
15. Association of Management Consultants in Hungary - VTMSZ
16. The Institute of Management Consultants of India
17. Iran Management Consultants Association
18. The Israel Business Consultants Association (IBCA)
19. APCO - Associazione Professionale Italiana dei Consulenti di Management
20. Institute of Management Consultants and Trainers - Jordan
21. Kazakhstan Chamber of Management Consultants "CMC Kazakhstan"
22. KMTCA/IMC Korea
23. Business Consultants Council Kosovo
24. IMC Macedonia - Management Consulting Association 2000
25. Mongolian Management Consultants Institute (MMCI)
26. Institute of Management Consultants - Nigeria
27. AMCOR (Romanian Management Consultancies Association)
28. National Institute of Certified Management Consultants (NICMC)
29. Association of Management Consultants of Serbia (UPKS)
30. Institute of Management Consultants (Singapore)
31. ASCO Ass. of Management Consultants Switzerland
32. The institute of management consultants of Thailand (IMCT)
33. Yönetim Danismanlari Dernegi (YDD)
34. Institute of Management Consultants of Ukraine
35. Institute of Consulting - UK
36. Zimbabwe National Institute of Consulting as CMC - Zimbabwe