Institute Name: IBCO - Instituto Brasileiro dos Consultores de Organização
Date of Foundation: January 1968
Date of ICMCI Membership: 2001
Type of Membership: Full Member
Vision: To stand for quality and ethics in management consulting.
- To be recognized as the Brazilian Institution that best represents Management Consultant's interests in Brazil.
- To find means to develop and support professional Management Consultants in Brazil.
Main Goals:
- To provide training and assistance to anyone desiring to become a professional management consultant.
- To collect, process and to share with the management consulting stakeholders relevant information regarding market and the profession world wide.
- To abide and enforce the Code of Ethics.
Email: ibco@ibco.org.br
Tel: +55 71 9940 10014
Website: ibco.org.br
Visiting Address: Avenida Paulista, 2064/2068 - 14o andar, CEP 01310-928 Bela Vista , São Paulo, SP, Brasil
Head Staff Person: Adriano Almeida Simões - CMC®
Secretariat or Key Staff Name: Adriano Almeida Simões, 1st VP
Douglas Sampaio Franco, 2nd VP
Mauri Pimentel, Treasurer
Ricardo Pereira - 1st Director
Igor Crnkovic Arantes - 2nd Director
Cristian Angel Leon Welsh Miguens - 3rd Director
Flávio José de Oliveira - 4th Director
Chair: Adriano Almeida Simões - CMC®
Delegate: Cristian Welsh