Institute Name: Institute of Management Consultants Australia
Date of Foundation: 1969
Date of ICMCI Membership: 1970
Type of Membership: Full Member
Vision: To become the peak body for professional management consultants in Australia.
Mission: To represent and promote the management consulting profession, maintain standards and develop members.
Main Goals: The IMC exists to further the interests of management consultants in Australia. The IMC supports management consultants by:
- Providing Advocacy;
- Maintaining Professional Standards;
- Promoting the image of the IMC and the Certified Management Consultant (CMC) brand;
- Supplying attractive fee for service Member Services; and
- Facilitating business development opportunities for Members; and
- Supporting members in maintaining their levels of professional competency.
Tel: + 61 384889907
Visiting Address: (Mail) Suite 999, 45 Glenferrie Road, MALVERN, VIC 3144 Australia
Head Staff Person: Christine Cox, Executive Officer
Secretariat or Key Staff Name: Christine Cox, Executive Officer
Chair: Peter Westlund
Delegate: Michael Mclean